Learning from the Masters

Learning from the Masters

Learning from the Masters

I’ve been waiting to work on this one for a long time. I snapped this one a long time ago, and planned to work on it someday. I loved the image of the young boy emulating the older men learning how to fish in the surf.  The best part is the two men with their hands on their hips. When I saw the image on the beach, I knew I wanted it in black and white so that it had a nostalgic feel to it.  I remember following my dad and doing the things he wanted to do, just so I could be with him.  He worked a day job during the week and at night and on the weekends he farmed my Great-Grandfather’s farm with his uncle, cousin, and his cousin’s roommate.  I tagged along so that I could be with him.  He didn’t have a lot of free time to spend with me, and it was the only way that we got a chance to do things together.

I thought that it was pretty cool to be working on the farm, driving the tractors and the farm trucks.  I got to learn from the masters how to run that farm and how life was tied up in a cycle of life.  I could understand that the meat that ended up on our table came from the animals we raised.  It’s kind of like how this boy will learn that the life he takes from the ocean will feed his family.

Moonlight at Myrtle Beach

Moonlight at Myrtle Beach

Originally uploaded by Elessar

During our recent vacation to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, we were enjoying the summer evening on the balcony of our condo. The full moon was up, glistening off of the water. Despite the fact that I didn’t have a tripod, I figured I could hold the camera steady enough if I braced it against a small table and the metal railing on the balcony. Next time we come to the beach I’m definitely bringing the tripod and remote shutter release.